KIRKLAND GALLERY is located at 40 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Please note that the entrance is on Sumner Road and you will need a Harvard Graduate School of Design ID to enter the building. If you would like to visit the gallery and are not a GSD student, please contact us at

2021.10 Self-Introduction

2021.10 Self-Introduction

What dimensions can a Self-Introduction assume? Could it be like trying to separate two aspects of reality, self on the one hand and introduction on the other? Self-Introduction introduces current students at the Harvard Graduate School of Design - after a year of virtual introductions.

GSD students came in to the 40 Kirkland in the gallery space, created their self-introductions on a piece of card, and hung them on the wall. Here are some close-up examples - more details to come.

2021.10 Cosmic Futures

2021.10 Cosmic Futures

2021.4 Fluid Expressions

2021.4 Fluid Expressions