KIRKLAND GALLERY is located at 40 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Please note that the entrance is on Sumner Road and you will need a Harvard Graduate School of Design ID to enter the building. If you would like to visit the gallery and are not a GSD student, please contact us at

2022.03 Air Drop: A Performance by Klelia Siska & Shant Charoian

2022.03 Air Drop: A Performance by Klelia Siska & Shant Charoian

Air Drop investigates the notion of ‘lightness’ in creating growing spatial conditions. A breathable ceiling re-examines the contrasting nature of air; despite being intangible, it can become a force strong enough to deform a surface and have a gravitational impact. The performative installation operates with an economy of means, suggesting lightness in its minimal construction, as new spaces are born. The ritual mimics the cyclical growth of a human belly, changing from a visual scene to a physical object in conversation with the visitors. We ask you to observe but also embody the effects of air as they take a pause from the outside world.


Klelia Siska is an M.Arch II candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and received her diploma in architecture from University of Patras. Klelia is Greek and has worked in Basel, Athens, and Rotterdam.

Shant Charoian is an M.Arch II candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and received his undergraduate degree in architecture from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Shant is Armenian and has worked in Los Angeles, London, Beirut, and Yerevan.

2022.03 Precarious

2022.03 Precarious

2022.02 VIOLENT ARCHITECTURE: Artifacts of the Killhouse

2022.02 VIOLENT ARCHITECTURE: Artifacts of the Killhouse